Felt Ark… and other Crafts stuff I have been crafting

July 27, 2009

Prizes for the Beer Olympics

Filed under: Felties,Random — admin @ 1:37 pm
Feltie Ribbons

Feltie Ribbons

First, second and third place prizes for the Beer Olympics.

Feltie Flags for the Beer Olympics

Filed under: Felties,Random — admin @ 1:32 pm
Feltie Flags made by Jess, Hannah and myself

Feltie Flags made by Jess, Hannah and myself

let me see if I can get this right…

Japan, China, Vietnam. Lithuania, Ireland, Sweden. Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone. Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica.

And finally, the proud continent of Antarctica.

Can you guess what team I was on?

The 2009 Summer Beer Olympics

Filed under: Random — admin @ 1:22 pm
The 2009 Summer Beer Olympics Logo by Stinson Lenz

The 2009 Summer Beer Olympics Logo by Stinson Lenz

The 2009 Summer Beer Olympics

(OR a bachelor/ette party for Hilary and Derek!)

You have been training. You have the corporate sponsor. You have been drinking in the national finals. Now it’s time to compete for the glory of your nation. You have qualified for the 2009 Summer Beer Olympics. Champions from around the globe will compete in such time honored events as the Blind Pint 500, Beer Curling, “Piccolo”, 3 Legged Pint and more!

In Action

Filed under: ABCs,Felties — admin @ 1:14 pm
ABC felries so far....

ABC felries so far....

in action…..

G and H

Filed under: ABCs,Felties — admin @ 12:49 pm
G and H

G and H

note the Jim Houser style hat

E and F

Filed under: ABCs,Felties — admin @ 12:46 pm
E and F

E and F

July 8, 2009

butterfly bike helmet

Filed under: Paper,Random — admin @ 8:55 pm
recently collaged bike helmet

recently collaged bike helmet

that is all.

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