Felt Ark… and other Crafts stuff I have been crafting

October 11, 2010

Last gasp of summer watermelon chiffon pie

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 3:36 pm



there is like 6 cups of watermelon in this pie!

October 3, 2010

sunday brunch

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 12:06 pm

Savory French Toast

Savory hallah french toast with sautéed shitakis and fried green tomatoes!

October 1, 2010

I concocted a tasty beverage!

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 12:00 pm

fizzy drink!

Avian sip of approval!

Have been making cultured fruit juices! So simple – water, sugar, fresh fruit & kefir culture. This rosy concoction is Cranberry-lemon! Fizzy and pink!

May 21, 2009

Highlights from dinner the other night

Filed under: Food — admin @ 2:44 pm
royal trumpet mushrooms

royal trumpet mushrooms

fiddlehead fern fronds

fiddlehead fern fronds

The world’s cutest mushrooms and… wait for it… Fiddlehead Fern Fronds from the Fair Food Farm Stand.

hee. Say that Five times Fast

My favorite pie

Filed under: Food — admin @ 2:28 pm
the world's yummiest pie

the world's yummiest pie

not kidding

not kidding

Raspberry Cream Pie made last week for Allison’s BBQ.

April 30, 2009


Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 4:46 pm
monster or alien?

monster or alien?

looks even more like a Pixar characr now

April 13, 2009

wild egg in natural habitat

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 5:19 pm
wild egg

wild egg

Sarah had a bunch of us over to color eggs.

oh yeah, eggs

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 5:14 pm


eggs in captivity…

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