Soon afrer our move to the Nest, my Neofinetia Falcata decided to bloom!
September 28, 2010
Doubtful, I mean Differential Guest
A Differential Grasshopper (seriously that’s what they are called) visited my pots this morning. He was very large. I tried to pick him up and leapt into my hand with such speed and force that I jumped and screamed like a little girl. Needles s to say he got away… I am sorry this pic does not capture the yellow on his big jumpy legs
May 28, 2009
May 21, 2009
my favorite violet
My Mom gave me these and this is the second year they have come up. I have no idea where she got them. Will have to ask.
update : My sister remembers and has posted the story in the first comment to this post. THANKS AMY