Felt Ark… and other Crafts stuff I have been crafting

November 18, 2010

V is for Volcano… Vesuvius…..

Filed under: ABCs,Felties — admin @ 12:36 am

V is for Volcano... Vesuvius.....

T is for TeePee. You know it!

Filed under: ABCs,Felties — admin @ 12:35 am


November 16, 2010

S is for Sloth!

Filed under: ABCs,Felties — admin @ 1:12 pm

S is for Sloth (and silly!)

R is for Rainbow… and Renee!

Filed under: ABCs,Felties — admin @ 12:47 pm


Last third of the Alphabet is complete! The felties and I are Chicago bound!

October 11, 2010

Last gasp of summer watermelon chiffon pie

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 3:36 pm



there is like 6 cups of watermelon in this pie!

October 3, 2010

sunday brunch

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 12:06 pm

Savory French Toast

Savory hallah french toast with sautéed shitakis and fried green tomatoes!

October 2, 2010


Filed under: Random — admin @ 1:58 pm

homemade bird toy seems to be big hit!

Homemade bird toy seems to be a big hit.  Made from twine, bamboo, palm, card board and balsa.

October 1, 2010

I concocted a tasty beverage!

Filed under: Food,Random — admin @ 12:00 pm

fizzy drink!

Avian sip of approval!

Have been making cultured fruit juices! So simple – water, sugar, fresh fruit & kefir culture. This rosy concoction is Cranberry-lemon! Fizzy and pink!

September 28, 2010

early collage

Filed under: Paper,Random — admin @ 11:14 pm

once famous ladies

One of the first collages I made from the fabled 1920’s World Books. I produced a huge quantity of collage from those books. Most was given away, but I happily still have a few.

First Needle Punch project

Filed under: Random,Sewing — admin @ 11:09 pm

Needle Punch is weird

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